+47 51 31 33 90 post@torqlite.eu


Blackiron studrunner sockets are available for all
the existing metric and imperial bolts. Thanks to our
revolutionary anti-grip system our studrunner sockets
allow to position the bolts in their seats quickly, safely
and without any particular effort by the operator.

  • Studrunner MTAV Sockets
  • Studrunner MTV

More product details (PDF)

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Contact us


+47 51 31 33 90

24 / 7

+47 913 68 858

Tom Kåre Gjerde

Tlf: +47 466 29 979
Mail: tom@torqlite.eu

About us

Torq/lite Europe AS is a complete supplier of mechanical, hydraulic Torque and Tensioner torque tools from Torqlite and Fastorq, and airpumps electrical, air and hand pums from Balckiron.